Ask Shannah: How to Create An Annual Spending Plan for 2023 With Ease

How much do you hate budgeting? A lot, I know. In this Ask Shannah episode, I’m breaking down how you can create an annual spending plan with ease and ditch your budget altogether. 

We’ve got an Ask Shannah question from Michelle that has inspired this episode. Michelle says, “Hey Shannah, thanks for this podcast. It is such comforting to hear your voice each week and I love all the different topics you cover. The episodes always make me think about my money and life from a different perspective. Ok, I’ve got a question for ya. I really hate budgeting and I know you’ve talked about what you do as well. You did an episode on creating a spending plan and I’m wondering if you could dive back into that topic. It’s the new year and I really want to figure out how to set myself up from the start. I’ve got the normal rent, car payment, car insurance, student loans, and a couple of credit card payments, but I also love to travel, I’m saving to buy a new car at the end of the year, I am in a fun and cheesy bowling league and need to have enough for our fees and equipment, I love to cook and eat out, you know, I’ve got stuff. So how do I figure it all out? Thanks so much again.”


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See also  How to Understand Your Habits, Beliefs & Emotional Relationship to Money

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Favorite budgeting apps – You Need a Budget & Monarch

Best High Yield Savings –  Marcus & Ally Bank

Favorite online bank account – Chime

Best climate-conscious online savings & bank account – Aspiration

Best Business bank account – Novo 

Personal loans – Upstart 

Affordable Life Insurance – Ladder

DISCLAIMER: This podcast and money content are for educational purposes only. Always consult with your financial advisors prior to making money decisions. Please do your own research to figure out whether a financial product, tip, or suggestion will work for your money goals. You can find a Certified Financial Planner in your area here