How To Reduce Your Money Stress by Being Intentional with Jesse Mecham

Will more money eliminate all your money stress? It’s a question I’ve tossed around in my head for many years now. Of course, you and I both would love to test the theory – to have more money than you need and see how that feels. Try it on for a day or two. Our guest, Jesse Mecham, Founder and CEO of You Need a Budget, or YNAB, one of my very favorite budgeting platforms, has seen a ton of budgets over the years and believes there’s only one thing that will actually reduce your money stress – sound money management.

Everyone's Talkin' Money podcast wtih Jesse Mecham about money stress

So if we can eliminate money stress through sound money management, what does that look like and how do you create a system that works for you…without stressing out? Jesse’s got some great tips in this episode about how you can make the right money decisions. As he says, it all comes down to having the right information at the right time with the right context. Alright, so get ready to leave all your preconceived notions about budgeting behind and step into a new way to money without all the stress.

Meet Jesse

Personal finance expert, speaker, and business leader, Jesse Mecham is the Founder and CEO of You Need A Budget (or YNAB if you are very busy and important). Jesse hosts the You Need A Budget podcast, and is the Wall Street Journal best-selling author of, You Need A Budget. (He’s nothing if not consistent!)

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A self-proclaimed “recovering CPA,” he is deeply passionate about teaching individuals, families, and business owners YNAB’s Four Rules to help them gain total control of their money. Jesse first developed the YNAB method and original spreadsheet as a broke, newly married college student who really needed a budget.

In an attempt to make an additional $300/month to cover rent, he sold his spreadsheet online and YNAB was born. Since 2004, the software has grown into a leading personal finance platform and has helped hundreds of thousands of people break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, get out of debt, and save more money.

Now, YNAB has a growing team living and working all around the world and has built a thriving remote culture that earned recognition as Fortune’s #4 best small company to work for. (YNAB was doing remote work before it was cool!)


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You Need a Budget podcast –

You Need a Budget on YouTube-


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